BuildFax Enterprise

BuildFax Enterprise is the most comprehensive source of property intelligence out there. We’ve partnered with several of the world’s largest insurance companies to deliver unparalleled property insight straight from the source - Our massive database of over 19 billion points of building and remodeling records. We use proprietary big data algorithms to discover and display patterns that are proven to predict risk so you can increase profitability, save money, and secure your competitive edge
  • Renewals

    Our data detects changes to properties across your book to help you ensure accurate property valuation and determine appropriate next steps in the renewal process such as underwriting reviews, inspection orders, or policy cancellations.

  • Pricing

    Provide the best quote to new business prospects that meet your defined criteria by improving segmentation of properties.

  • Reinsurance

    Enhance your modeling with detailed building permit data to provide a more accurate probable maximal loss and minimize reinsurance requirements.

  • Property Condition Validation

    Protect your investments by verifying property attributes post-bind.

We've recorded a webinar relevant to carriers in Florida – The Florida Roof Life Cycle: Insurance Eligibility, Wind Mit Credits, and Using Knowledge of New Roofs to Your Advantage.

More about about BuildFax Enterprise